The best way to get attention online is still to rage bait, and we are seeing this at an industrial scale now.
Review of Skinship by James Reich2025-03-22
Skinship is a short science fiction novel with a fresh take on the multi-generational space ship trope.
X is still being censored (TLP 2025w11)2025-03-17
Rather than continue to fight the X algorithm, I have decided to finally abandon my account there.
The game of give and take (TLP 2025w10)2025-03-12
In a successful negotiation both parties should feel like they won something: the secret is to let your opposition win what does not hurt you.
Sometimes your team members can get stuck in waiting mode, perhaps for prolonged periods of time if you are not careful.
Software engineers would rather quit than return to the office (TLP 2025w7)2025-02-17
Recently I have interviewed a lot of engineers, most of which are quitting their current jobs rather than returning to the office. Let me explain why.
The demise of software engineers due to AI is greatly exaggerated (TLP 2025w6)2025-02-10
There is a huge gap between the expectations senior manages have for AI replacing software engineers, and the reality on the ground.
We are all just shouting at avatars2025-02-08
Online conflict is teaching us that conflict can have no consequences.
Algorithms are the new journalists (TLP 2025w5)2025-02-03
We are witnessing in real-time the birth of the new access media, and this time it is driven by who controls the social media algorithms.
After over twenty years in the software industry, I feel like users and developers are far too tolerant of poor quality products.
AI as a force multiplier (TLP 2025w1)2025-01-06
AI is a force multiplier when applied correctly, it is the horizontal scaling of intelligence.
Social media is a flywheel for bad ideas2025-01-03
Some flywheel effects on social media are bad for society
Wrapping up 2024 trends in technology, business, and the economy, and making 2025 predictions.
I will not be renewing my X Premium+ subscription2024-12-30
After nearly one year in usage, I have decided to downgrade my X Premium+ subscription.
Stop following bad trends in 20252024-12-26
The Asch conformity experiments showed how badly we want to belong, even when we know it is wrong.
Burnout (TLP 2024w51)2024-12-23
The warning signs are there, I am burned out.
It's that time of year again, when I need to conduct many annual performance reviews over the coming weeks.
The three main modes of management2024-11-18
A leader starts their management journey in reactive mode, and graduates to the strategic mode over time.
Online refugees are fleeing to Bluesky (TLP 2024w46)2024-11-18
The center ground of moderates is becoming a no man's zone, with the Left moving to Bluesky, Mastodon, and Threads, while the Right have taken over X.
DEI training is a waste of time (TLP 2024w45)2024-11-12
This week, I want to explain to you why I believe DEI training is a waste of time, as bias is an innate part of being a human being.
On why it is so important to tackle the riskiest topics at the beginning of your projects.
The three types of communication (TLP 2024w42)2024-10-21
There are three main methods of communication commonly used in a business context.
Align on goals not culture (TLP 2024w40)2024-10-08
Cultural conflict is fine (how we do things), but conflict on strategic goals is not (what we are building).
Being overwhelmed (TLP 2024w39)2024-10-06
Last week I was totally overwhelmed, which resulted in me recording this episode one week late. Why does this happen?
I think we need to normalise leaving meetings that are wasting your time.
Compliment your enemies (TLP 2024w37)2024-09-15
For every promoter you will have several detractors so you must be ready to deal with them. Compliment your enemies to disarm or confuse them.
There are only two ways to sell a message (TLP 2024w36)2024-09-08
Politicians want you to vote for them, sales and marketing folks want you to buy their products, while you manager wants you to deliver results. There are two main ways they achieve this.
There is no Moore's Law for AI (TLP 2024w35)2024-09-02
I feel like we're in the vertical scaling phase of language model design, I look forward to federated model architectures running on cheap commodity hardware.
In many traditional industries, you will find executives who really wish their companies were Silicon Valley companies. Why is this?
Generating logo images with Grok (TLP 2024w33)2024-08-19
This week I used Grok to render a new logo for my web search engine greppr, and got great results!
It really is that simple (TLP 2024w31)2024-08-05
A great leader can make anything seem simple and clear, because they are great communicators.
This week I will provide a summary of the CrowdStrike global outage, and why we are so vulnerable to such issues.
Promising up and blaming down (TLP 2024w28)2024-07-18
The worst management anti-pattern is promising up, and blaming down.
Stand back and let them fail (TLP 2024w27)2024-07-08
As leaders our instinct is to help others we see failing, however you cannot help someone who refuses your help.
We cannot all be right (TLP 2024w26)2024-07-01
We are all convinced that we are right, but when we disagree then someone must be wrong.
Most of us just want social approval for our views and actions.
Stoic resilience (TLP 2024w25)2024-06-24
Increasingly I believe that the most important trait for a leader is mental resilience.
Captured by ideology2024-06-12
We all must strive to think for ourselves, and remain prepared to have our beliefs challenged.
Success is not shameful2024-06-11
Success being considered shameful is a sign of toxic culture.
Easing back on X (TLP 2024w23)2024-06-10
Ten years ago I wrote about my desire to ease back from Twitter, now I feel the same way about X. What has really changed?
In the early days of the Internet, we thought it would bring enlightenment via free knowledge, instead we have hate, division, toxicity.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2024 week 19, Engineers are not your customers2024-05-13
As an engineering leader, I'd like to share some harsh truths about managing engineers.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2024 week 18, The new knowledge acquisition bottleneck2024-05-05
The new knowledge acquisition bottleneck is accessing silos of private content that can be used to train modern AI models.
By asking why, repeating back, and sticking to first principles: you can drive your team towards a truthful outcome.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2024 week 15, new leader anti patterns2024-04-15
After twenty plus years in the tech industry, you start to spot patterns.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2024 week 14, be careful where you place your deference2024-04-07
The amount of authority figures you defer to in your life should be a very short list indeed.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2024 week 13, we are all avatars now2024-04-01
After the pandemic, it feels like we are all online avatars now. Do you truly know anyone anymore?
A marketplace for high-quality training data models for AI is about to emerge, and it will be extremely lucrative.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2024 week 11, the Google Gemini fiasco2024-03-19
Today I want to talk to you about the Google Gemini fiasco, the latest bad product launch by Google.
Politics is not leadership2024-03-12
I often I see young leaders spending too much time on politics.
Humans being fooled into thinking AI is sentient is the same as birds thinking a bug is a leaf.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2024 week 7, You are probably in a cult2024-02-16
If your ideology prohibits you from accepting objective reality, you are probably in a cult.
Everybody is saying2024-02-14
Beware of anyone who claims to speak for everyone.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2024 week 6, Blame is a circular game2024-02-09
Leaders, if you help create a blame culture via your own example, do not act surprised when you get blamed.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2024 week 5, AI is great but start with a cron2024-02-02
Today I want to convince you that you should start using scripted automation before complicated AI.
Today I want to talk about getting better at sales, which is fundamentally about story telling.
Worry is irreverent to outcome2024-01-13
Worrying about outcomes does not influence those outcomes.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2024 week 1, making computers work for you2024-01-09
Today I want to talk about automation, specifically how you use technology to automate your life.
Leaders need to practice incisiveness2024-01-02
To be a leader you need to be incisive.
Wrapping up 2023 trends in technology, business, and the economy, and making 2024 predictions.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 50, at the mercy of algorithms2023-12-21
So many careers, especially in content creation, are already at the mercy of algorithms.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 49, my feature requests for Grok AI2023-12-13
Grok AI from X is a chat bot with a cool personality that is fun, but I want more utility. Here is my list of requested features.
Climbing down a ladder2023-12-09
When the costs of admitting wrong doing are too high, people will double-down on their current choices.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 48, firefighting requires new fires2023-12-04
The problem with firefighting in an organization is that it requires a steady stream of new fires, and fires are bad.
We lost the spirit of Web 1.0, can we ever revive that via a Neo Web 1.0 renaissance?
The more legacy code your team maintains, the greater the impact on their productivity. Legacy code is a tax, and should be deleted when possible.
Decline is a step down process2023-10-16
Managing decline is one of the hardest tasks that a leader needs to undertake.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 41, staying calm under pressure2023-10-15
As a leader, you need to think about how you react when things go wrong. Your example matters.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 40, social media is a brutal mirror2023-10-09
At times like this, I hate social media: the ugly side of many people starts to show via this brutally honest mirror.
People can assume that because they know something, others know it too. In a team setting, this can cause chaos.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 38, analysis of a bot attack on greppr2023-09-25
This week my web search engine greppr came under a bot attack, in this episode I will discuss what happened and how I fixed it.
Choose your mentors wisely2023-09-18
Some thoughts on how to choose a good mentor to help you to succeed in life.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 37, engineers doing sales2023-09-15
Sometimes software engineers need to do sales, so we might as well get good at it.
Leaders lose the right to avoid conflict2023-09-12
For a leader, conflict should be met head-on and not avoided.
Subscriber reply spamming on X is the new SEO2023-09-11
SEO-style posts are appearing online that advise X users on how to game the algorithm there.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 36, content promotion on X versus Hacker News2023-09-08
I done a cross-post of one of my blog entries on X and Hacker News this week, and got significantly better results from Hacker News.
Business leadership requires unpopular decisions2023-09-04
In business, to be a successful leader often requires unpopular decisions.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 35, gaming group dynamics2023-09-01
Once one understands the dynamics of a group, they can influence it from inside or outside of that group. This podcast explores those approaches.
Once you understand the dynamics of any group, you can game it.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 34, online confirmation bias2023-08-25
The internet is now the industrial group-think complex. No matter how outlandish someone's beliefs are, group support is available online.
Pay compliments2023-08-24
Paying compliments is low effort/high return.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 33, The subtle art of power plays2023-08-18
You will often have to operate in a hostile environment, and employ a reasonable degree of hostility to survive. In this podcast, I will discuss the darker power plays that you may employ sparingly.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 32, my thoughts on the Tesla battery range lawsuit2023-08-11
Tesla are being hit with another lawsuit, this time about their claimed battery range of their cars. The reality is these are range estimates not guarantees, and are based on optimal conditions.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 23, Turning up at meetings2023-08-01
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 23: Today I am going discuss why a leader needs to be a great at meetings, and to leverage these opportunities to communicate to the fullest.
In an information-rich environment, with a lot of loud background noise, each of us needs to have our own built-in triage mechanism. Without it, we can become overwhelmed with noise.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 29, never accept statistics on face value2023-07-21
I have seen many instances both in my career, and in life in general, of garbage statistics presented in reports being accepted on face value. Why is this, and what can we do to challenge it?
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 28, the fediverse should be built on a blockchain2023-07-15
In my opinion, I believe web3 technologies like blockchains have a role to play in building a true fediverse, let me explain.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 27, the Twitter rate limit fiasco2023-07-07
Last week Twitter gave their millions of users a lesson on the impacts of rate limiting a service. In this episode, I will discuss why that was an incredibly ham-fisted way of tackling web scraping.
This week I read a headline about why its a bad idea for young people to start a company in Ireland.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 25, leadership and reputational harm2023-06-23
Whether we acknowledge it or not, our reputation proceeds us into a room like a forward-facing shadow.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 24, active versus passive online discovery2023-06-16
There are two main ways to discover new knowledge online: active via research, and passive via social network feeds.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 23, when did the smart phone become our master key?2023-06-09
Lately I have been thinking a lot about how much time I spend on my smart phone, and how over time, those phones have become the de facto master keys for our lives. Is that even desirable?
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 22, greppr has launched2023-06-02
I have just launched greppr, a new web search engine that has no filters, no tracking, no ads.
As an experiment this week, I decided to uninstall the Twitter app from my phone, to force myself to reduce my time on the platform.
Leaders need to generate momentum and fight inertia.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 20, the Irish Times AI hoax2023-05-19
Today I am going to discuss the recent AI hoax that impacted upon the Irish Times, resulting in them mistakenly publishing an opinion piece by a contributor that did not exist.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 22, On dealing with recruiters2023-05-17
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 22: today I am going share my experiences of working with recruiters for many years in the tech industry, from the perspective of a hiring manager.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 19, web search as ten blue links2023-05-12
Google are moving to AI driven search, and they are clearly moving away from the ten blue links model that gave them web search dominance.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 18, a better Twitter2023-05-05
Lots of folks are scrambling to build Twitter clones, but who is building a better Twitter?
With the amount of FUD being spread about web3, crypto, and AI, are we sliding towards Neo-Luddism?
Twitter gamification is broken2023-04-25
Gamification drives user-generated content and engagement on social media websites like Twitter
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2023 week 16, new weekly format2023-04-21
Weekly podcast notes for 2023 week 16
Saying no to bad feature requests2023-04-18
On why a product owner should reject feature requests that are misaligned with the product vision.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 21, How our relationship with the office has changed2023-04-11
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 21 : on how our relationship with the office has changed, from private offices to remote work, perhaps forever.
On why negotiations are much easier when both parties win something.
Habits are greater than rules2023-03-22
A leader should aim to set good habits, not harsh rules.
Never speculate in public2023-03-21
A leader cannot afford to speculate in public.
Hire problem solvers not students2023-03-20
Business is not university. Your objective as an engineering manager is not to develop rounded individuals, but to ship product.
The economy for online content will be drastically impacted by new AI-based search engines like ChatGPT
Tech Leader Pro podcast 20, Project estimates are unreliable2023-01-27
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 20 : on why project estimates are unreliable, and why it is better to estimate complexity and risk, rather than effort.
A good leader needs good situational observation skills.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 19, Consolidating a dot zero release2022-12-14
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 19 : on why you should do a number of quality patch releases after each major release to consolidate software application quality.
Topics can become deadlocked in an organisation simply because everyone is waiting.
Iteration is a poor model for feedback2022-11-08
Giving people feedback via iteration is tremendously inefficient and frustrating.
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 18 : today I am going to discuss the differences between acknowledge and agreement, and how your active listening style might be hurting your communications.
Processes are not always applicable2022-10-04
On the limitations of applying processes to every situation
Escalation of commitment2022-10-03
On why leaders should cancel bad ideas rather than doubling their commitment to them.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 17, Hero driven development2022-10-01
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 17 : today I am going to discuss hero driven development, which is an anti-pattern that is endemic in the software development industry.
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 16 : understanding who you work for will help you understand what motivates you
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 15 : on the benefits of the scrum agile process
Challenging complacency2022-07-18
On why we must not take the results of our processes for granted
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 14 : on why a leader a leader should let go of bad ideas before they become bad implementations.
A functional team pushes together in the same direction
The benefits of travelling2022-04-21
On why this World is amazing and you should go see it.
Tech Leader Pro podcast 13, Leaders should create gaps2022-04-07
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 13 : on why a leader a leader should deliberately create gaps in their team, to allow others to grow into them.
Growing a company from the startup stage to a larger organization presents some unique leadership challenges.
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 12 : on why a leader should be very wary of something that looks too good to be true, as it rarely is.
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 11 : on how to get better and pitching and closing deals
A review of the post-apocalyptic book Earth Abides by George R. Stewart
The Go-To Market (GTM) equation determines if a startup will succeed or fail
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 10 : on how to react when someone quits your team
On why some companies defeat themselves due to negative attitudes
Review of The Firm by Duff McDonald2021-05-03
A review of review of The Firm by Duff McDonald, a detailed historical account of McKinsey and Company.
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 9 : on how you must believe in what you are selling in order to be effective
In the end it was all to do with a bicycle
Letting stubborn people fail2021-03-13
On why you sometimes have to let stubborn people fail
Stop worrying about the competition2021-03-09
On why you should stop worrying about your competition
On why Bitcoin is an asset and not a currency
Engineers learning to say yes2021-02-21
On engineers learning to say yes when asked if something is possible
Tech Leader Pro podcast 8, Present solutions not problems2021-02-16
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 8 : on why you need to set the expectation to present solutions and not problems
Review of Genesis by Bernard Beckett2021-02-06
A review of the science fiction novel Genesis by Bernard Beckett
A review of the science fiction book The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin
Tech Leader Pro podcast 7, Resilience2021-01-05
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 7 : on building and maintaining mental resilience
5 podcast recommendations for you to add to your playlist in 2021 to make you smarter
Tech Leader Pro is a podcast for sharing ideas, principals, and approaches that you can use to lead a large team, with a focus on the technology industry.
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 6 : on why a leader must be self confident by default
Weeding your bugs2020-11-08
Discovering and closing software bugs should be as rewarding as removing weeds from a garden
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 5 : on the importance of building and maintaining trust
On the main differences between Marketing and Sales, and why both matter as much as Engineering
Tech Leader Pro podcast 4, Reverse delegation2020-09-22
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 4 : exploring the dangers of reverse delegation and servant leadership
Verbose versus concise communications2020-09-11
On why concise communications are better than verbosity
Tech Leader Pro podcast 3, Leading by example2020-09-07
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 3 : exploring what it actually means to lead by example
Tech Leader Pro podcast 2, Handling escalations2020-09-01
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 2 : advice on how a leader can handle escalations
On why the vast majority of employees in a company are not indispensable
Tech Leader Pro podcast 1, What is leadership2020-08-25
Tech Leader Pro podcast episode 1, exploring for the first episode the question: What is leadership?
On the daily grind of stoic application of your leadership duties
A review of Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk based on a second reading after twenty years
On why winning is hard, and losing is easy when you have an excuse
On why problem staters need to be converted into solution finders
A review of this excellent Bluetooth headset for conference calls
On how Price's Law defines how many people in a given organization will be greatly more productive than the average
On why you should not hang onto bad ideas for too long
Scrum requires aggression2019-11-04
On the need to have an aggressive approach within your scrum team
Some personal thoughts based on my experiences with recruiters over the years
On how to remain calm and professional when someone quits your team
A review of Solaris by Stanislaw Lem
Leaders should create gaps2019-01-05
On why leaders need to create gaps for others to grow into
Review of Rendezvous with Rama2019-01-03
A review of Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C Clarke
More Content Coming in 20192019-01-01
Update on my improved writing schedule for 2019
Announcing the 3.0 release of the Alpha Framework
A reviews of the book High Output Management by Andrew S. Grove
On why active listening via positive feedback can be misinterpreted as agreement
On why I was wrong to think that an open plan office was the worse kind of office, because a shared office space beats it.
A first look at an exciting new cyberpunk game
Instructions on how to replace a Broadcom wireless adapter in a Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition with an Intel one for better Linux support
Beware of wet paint smells2017-08-01
On why leaders need to be aware that their presence can influence their reportees to cover the facts on the ground
On why you cannot lead a group of technologists unless you understand technology
On why selected a software development candidate based on business domain knowledge is misguided
All of your emotions are belong to Shatner
Some thoughts on why you should be attentive in meetings that you are present at
Progress update on adding PHP7 support in Alpha 3.0.02017-02-06
The latest status on the effort to migrate the Alpha Framework to PHP7
On why high-fives all round is not the appropriate response to a failure
Some initial thoughts on Fedora 252017-01-02
First impressions of the latest Fedora Linux release
Alpha Framework 2.0.4 Released2017-01-02
Version 2.0.4 of the Alpha Framework has just been released
In this tutorial I will show you how to install an Nvidia GTX 1060 in an Alienware X51 R3 as well as presenting some benchmarks
Alpha Framework 2.0.2 Released2016-08-09
Version 2.0.2 of the Alpha Framework has just been released
On managing up and down2016-08-04
As a middle manager it is important to effectively manage up and down, and not pour all of your energy into one at the cost of the other.
Why handling escalations decisively is a vital skill for a manager to possess
Be effective2016-07-05
On why the most important measure of your professional influence is your effectiveness
Alpha Framework 2.0.1 Released2016-07-05
Version 2.0.1 of the Alpha Framework has just been released
A list of technical questions to use when interviewing a performance engineer.
A list of technical questions to use when interviewing a security engineer.
Java interview questions2016-05-10
A list of technical questions to use when interviewing a Java engineer.
A guide on how to set up two separate instances of MongoDB running on the same server.
F 19 Stealth Fighter is available on Steam2016-04-23
The excellent retro F-19 Stealth Fighter flight simulator from Microprose is now available on Steam
Backing up a single MongoDB server with mongodump2016-04-18
A detailed tutorial on how to backup a single MongoDB server with mongodump and restore it with mongorestore
Preparing the Alpha Git repo for Gitflow2016-04-09
A description of the sequence of Git commands I needed to run to prepare the Alpha Git repo for the Gitflow branching model.
Installing MongoDB on Redhat Linux2016-04-05
A detailed tutorial on how to install MongoDB version 3.2 on Redhat Linux
A major new upgrade has been released for the Alpha Framework for PHP.
On why I believe producing project estimates is a waste of your time.
Ansible 2.0 has been released2016-01-12
The 2.0 release of Ansible is now available
Anton Kreil on the 10 Secrets to Achieve Financial Success2016-01-09
Anton Kreil on living a sucessfull financial life.
Discussion of the inherent privacy concerns and poor usability of the history.google.com website.
The 2.0 beta release of the Alpha Framework for PHP is now available.
A review of the BlackBerry Classic smartphone.
Review of the Fisher Bullet Space Pen2015-06-13
A review of the Bullet Space Pen from Fisher, which was famously developed for NASA to work in space.
An overview of the new routes and permissions API in the forthcoming Alpha 2.0.
On starting a new role2015-05-03
Some notes and advice on what to do in the first few weeks of a new role.
Adding an ActiveRecordController to Alpha2015-05-02
A new core controller should be added to Alpha to handle CRUD requests.
Some thoughts on a WSJ article on IBM adopting agile methods.
The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage2015-04-28
A new graphic novel about Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage.
Leadership requires decisions2015-04-23
On the importance of decision making to leadership.
Postmortem of Sonar2015-04-23
A postmortem of a failed start-up Sonar Media from the founder Brett Martin.
Too much code2015-04-14
Why writing too much code is a bad code smell.
An analogy on why it is important to say no to customers to avoid technical debt
A list of technical questions for use during interviewing a MySQL DBA candidate.
A PHP array of HTTP codes2015-02-03
An associative array of HTTP status codes for reference.
Progress update on the Alpha Framework 2.0 release.
Trust your senior people2015-01-16
An article discussing why it is important to trust your senior people enough to delegate to them.
The post SEO Internet2015-01-15
In this opinion piece, I argue that SEO on the modern Internet is becoming increasingly irrelevant.
An explanation of why I have moved this open source project from Assembla to Github.
A podcast interview with Sara Golemon of Facebook on their efforts to design a specification for PHP.
Dropping off Twitter2014-11-05
Reasons for closing my Twitter account.
Announcing the release of version 1.2.4 of the Alpha Framework for PHP.
Josiah Carlson gives a detailed overview of Redis on Software Engineering Radio.
On why you should not be worrying about hardware for your next web project.
Review of Flash Boys2014-08-25
A review of Flash Boys by Michael Lewis.
Using Monit to monitor Supervisor2014-08-11
Instructions on how to install Monit on CentOS and configure it to monitor Supervisor.
Installing Supervisor and Superlance on CentOS2014-08-05
Detailed tutorial on how to install Supervisor and Superlance on CentOS.
Why Google Chrome sucks at handling localhost cookies.
Review of The Martian2014-07-11
A book review of The Martian by Andy Weir.
A tutorial on how to kill all of the currently running queries on a MySQL server.
Switching off referential integrity in MySQL2014-06-20
A tutorial on how to disable foreign key referential integrity in MySQL.
Riak Search 2.02014-06-17
A video presentation by Bash of the forthcoming Solr-based search solution that will be included with Riak 2.0.
Some thoughts on implementing AlphaDAOProviderInterface for Redis2014-06-16
Determining if it is possible to use Redis as a store for relational data.
Android Gobble Gobble2014-06-16
Android continues to gobble gobble market share in the US.
Video for the forthcoming games
Google Nest2014-05-08
May not be the actual Google Nest...
Alpha Framework 1.2.3 released2014-05-01
Announcing the release of version 1.2.3 of the Alpha Framework for PHP.
A quick introduction to using the Memcache protocol with MySQL 5.6
Huginn looks awesome2014-04-15
The Huginn framework for intelligent agents looks fantastic.
Drop Dropbox2014-04-10
On the news of Condoleezza Rice joining the board of Dropbox
IE6 is dead2014-04-08
Internet Explorer 6 is finally dead.
Five Reasons Not To Raise Venture Capital2014-04-08
A great post on why you should avid taking money from a VC fund.
Delete your code2014-04-02
Great post about deleting code from legacy systems
Hacker News needs better submission URL deduplication2014-04-01
On why Hacker News submission URL deduplication is non-existent.
MariaDB version 10 has been released.
Taming the badger2014-03-30
Some advice on how to deal with a person using badgering techniques.
What the fuck is my social media strategy2014-03-21
The ghat the fuck is my social media strategy generator.
Hack from Facebook2014-03-21
A first glance at the Hack language from Facebook for their HHVM.
Using sed to extract line ranges from a text file2014-03-13
Using the Linux sed command to extract line ranges from very large text files.
AddThis Hydra2014-03-03
Hydra is a new open source solution from AddThis for processing large volumes of data.
Flappy Bird has been ported to Commodore 64 (C64).
On selling ideas to fellow engineers2014-02-18
Some thoughts on how to sell ideas to a technical audience.
A guide on how to use colordiff to achieve coloured diffs on the Subversion CLI
bootstrap dialog2014-01-05
A quick introduction to the bootstrap-dialog library that aims to plug the gaps in the default Bootstrap modal API
Alpha Framework and Bootstrap2014-01-04
On migrating Alpha to Twitter Bootstrap
Onion Talks FTW
Suspense Accents2013-12-17
Sound files to invoke suspense.
No Man's Sky2013-12-09
No Man's Sky is an amazing looking new space simulator under development.
Hero driven development2013-12-06
Some thoughts on hero-driven development, and why we should consider it to be an anti-pattern.
Some ideas on how to manage legacy software systems and source code.
placekitten dot com2013-11-14
For all of your kitty needs
Converting a MySQL database from latin1 to utf82013-11-13
A detailed tutorial on how to migrate an existing latin1 encoded MySQL database to utf8 (UTF-8) encoding.
UTF 8 in PHP is rather unpleasant2013-11-11
The current state of UTF-8 support in PHP5 makes it difficult to work with
The Simpsons in CSS2013-11-11
Characters from the Simpsons rendered using only CSS.
Over engineered UX in consumer devices2013-11-03
Some thoughts on over-engineered user experience in consumer devices, and why they might frustrate users expectations.
The daily scrum meeting gets people talking!
Alpha Framework 1.2.2 Released2013-10-30
An overview of the features of the new 1.2.2 release of Alpha Framework.
Some initial thoughts on Redis2013-10-25
Some high-level notes from an evaluation of Redis.
PhpStorm 7 on the Open JDK, no dice2013-10-23
Testing out the latest PhpStorm release on the Open JDK on Linux provided poor results (as expected).
Social networks continue to erode privacy2013-10-12
Recent devlopements in social neworks show have increasing invasive they have become.
Backing up your Linux home directory using Back In Time2013-10-10
Instructions on how to install and configured Back In Time under Gnome.
Using VistaSwitcher on Windows with multiple screens to get a better alt-tab experience.
The Internship2013-10-07
Some thoughts on the movie The Internship.
The end of web development as we know it? Probably not.
ASCII Face Palm2013-09-27
The Picard face palm as ASCII art.
When to teach kids to code2013-09-27
There are other things a kid could be learning...
Cloning all remote branches with Git2013-09-27
Looking at the various options for cloning all remote branches to your local Git repository.
Europa Report2013-09-26
Trailer for Europa Report
Git concepts simplified2013-09-26
On the many varied mysteries of Git.
Finding the table containing a column name in MySQL2013-09-25
Inspected the MySQL meta data to find the table in a database that contains a given column name.
We are all engineers2013-09-24
On the overuse of the term engineer in the computing industry.
Controlling the PHP HTTP server via a PHP API2013-09-22
Overview of a class I wrote for starting and stopping the built-in PHP HTTP server in PHP 5.4 via an object-oriented API.
Starlight Inception2013-09-21
First look at this beta stage space combat simulator.
Replacing the MSATA SSD in a Lenovo U4102013-09-21
Detailed instructions on how to replace the MSATA SSD in Lenovo U410 laptop.
It happens to the best of us2013-09-11
SDDs do indeed fail. Just ask Linus.
Throwing out old computers makes me sad. Here is why.
Easing back from Twitter2013-08-12
Exploring my love/hate relationship with social media, and my mixed feeling about Twitter.
Think twice before giving away your UGC2013-08-01
An arguement against willingly giving away your personal content to other websites that profit from it.
A detailed tutorial on how to upgrade from Fedora 18 to Fedora 19 using the FedUp utility.
Monitoring Memcache with Monit2013-07-09
Overview of how to monitor Memcace with Monit.
A tutorial on forcing non-WWW traffic to be redirected to WWW on Apache without the use of mod_rewrite.
A detailed tutorial on how to set up Ansible on client and server Linux based systems.
Installing the Opera web browser on Fedora2013-05-20
A quick guide on how to install the Opera web browser on Fedora using yum.
Instructions on how to set up and test a read-only account in MySQL.
Details on how to change the maximum item size allowed by Memcache, which only allows 1MB items by default.
Setting up a secure SSL subdomain on Apache22013-02-19
A detailed tutorial on how to set up a sub-domain on Apache2 that is served up on a secure SSL connection on port 443 using a self-signed certificate.
Rotating Nginx log files via Cron2013-02-15
A tutorial on how you can set up a simple Cron job to run a bash script that will rotate and compress Nginx log files for you automatically each day.
Suppressing Cron Job Email Notifications2013-02-14
Detailed instructions on how to suppress email notifications from Linux Cron jobs.
Disabling the TRACE method in Apache22013-02-13
In this tutorial, I will show you how to check for TRACE support on your Apache2 server using curl, and then switch it off if it is enabled.
Tutorial explaining how to add a composite unique key to an existing MySQL table, after firstly checking for existing violations.
Conducting a security audit with Nikto2013-01-05
A detailed tutorial on how to install Nikto and use it to conduct a security audit of a web server.
A tutorial on how to install the Ratproxy server and configure it as a proxy for Firefox to conduct passive security audits.
Review of the Seiz Urbanpack U012012-12-21
A detailed review of the Urbanpack U01 backpack from Seiz.
Alpha Framework 1.2.1 Released2012-12-21
An overview of the features of the new 1.2.1 release of Alpha Framework.
An overview of the features of the new 1.2.0 release of Alpha Framework.
This article explores the difference between a meeting and a briefing, and why most meetings in organiztions are in fact a briefing.
A detailed overview of ticketing systems, along with some suggested best practises on how we might make best use of them on our projects.
Running Solr queries and updates via curl2012-09-21
In this tutorial, we will look at examples of running Solr REST API calls via curl from the command line.
Developing off the Alpha trunk2012-09-15
In this tutorial, I will show you how to set up a local Subversion repository with an external link to the central Alpha Framework trunk.
Fixing slow performance of sending mail from PHP via Sendmail2012-09-13
On some servers the Sendmail program can be quite slow at sending emails due to hostname resolution. In this article, we will explore one possible solution.
Sending attachments from the Linux command line using mail2012-09-12
An example of how to use the mail command in Linux to send file attachments.
Running a network trace on the command line using tcpflow2012-09-04
Detailed intructions on how to run a network trace on the Linux command line using the tcpflow tool.
Recommended release cycle that advocates focused consolidation releases after every major feature release.
Update on the site migration2012-08-15
When you need to migrate a ten year old website with 350+ pages of detailed content from one domain to another, you expect to run into difficulties.
The Khan Academy on Computer Science2012-08-14
The Khan Academy is now offering a free on-line course on Computer Science.
Clearing a Solr search index
Apache 2.4 Released
The beauty of flight2012-02-18
The beauty of flight
European Founders at Work2012-02-16
European Founders at Work
Kyle Bragger interview on Founders Talk2012-02-16
Kyle Bragger interview on Founders Talk
Micro frameworks in PHP
Alpha Framework 1.1 Released
Some new features coming with PHP 5.42011-12-21
Some new features coming with PHP 5.4
Bucket Explorer for S32011-12-20
Bucket Explorer for S3
Fedora 16 released
Ten years old today
Packing for Mars2011-09-19
Packing for Mars
Promoting a one page website via social media2011-09-01
An experiment in promoting a one page website via social media.
An MVC web framework for Bash
A first look at Metasploit2011-07-14
A first look at Metasploit
Google Plus
Adding a REST API to the Alpha Framework2011-06-24
The design goals and approaches for adding a REST API layer to the Alpha Framework.
Key Performance Indicators in the Alpha Framework2011-06-13
An introduction to the new KPI (Key Performance Indicators) in the Alpha Framework.
HP TouchPad arriving in Ireland in July2011-06-09
HP TouchPad arriving in Ireland in July
RSA Security Tokens Cracked2011-06-07
RSA Security Tokens Cracked
Never Eat Alone
Photo tour of the new data centre belonging to Facebook
PHP, Yesterdays Scala and the Cobol of tomorrow2011-04-17
PHP - Yesterdays Scala and the Cobol of tomorrow
Alpha Framework 1.0 Released
Switching to DuckDuckGo for search2011-03-05
Switching to DuckDuckGo for search
New Facebook commenting system may be compelling for publishers2011-03-05
New Facebook commenting system may be compelling for publishers
The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla
Ars Technica on Anonymous vs HBGary2011-02-16
Ars Technica on Anonymous vs HBGary
The Decline of Bookshops2011-02-12
The Decline of Bookshops
Accessing Memcached from the command line2011-02-03
A detailed tutorial explaining how to connect to Memcached using Telnet, in order to query the server for statistics and to access cached data.
A tutorial containing detailed instructions on setting up the Memcached server on Fedora 8. The steps included are also applicable for other Linux systems.
Jeff Atwood interviewed by 5BY52011-01-12
Jeff Atwood interviewed by 5BY5
Dealers of Lightning
Writing a REST Client in Ruby2010-12-17
Tutorial describing how to write a REST client in Ruby using the rest-client gem, that talks to the public Twitter Trends API.
Upgrading to Thunderbird 3.1 on Fedora2010-12-08
Step by step instructions on upgrading from Thunderbird 3.0.1 to 3.1.5 on Fedora Linux.
Phusion Passenger2010-12-03
Phusion Passenger
Founders at Work
Pentax K5 Reviewed2010-11-21
Pentax K-5 Reviewed
Avoiding the Privacy Apocalypse
Automatically Publishing to Social Networks2010-10-20
An article looking at your options for automatically publishing your website content updates to social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
State of the MySQL Community2010-10-18
State of the MySQL Community
Changing your default editor on Linux2010-10-01
Changing your default editor on Linux
Vector Graphics Icons from Raphael JS
Black Hat Spam SEO2010-09-25
Black Hat Spam SEO
Top 6 Most Popular Social Websites And Their Office2010-09-23
Top 6 Most Popular Social Websites And Their Office
PostgreSQL 9.0 Released2010-09-22
PostgreSQL 9.0 Released
Logging Messages to Scribe from PHP2010-09-20
Detailed tutorial showing you how to log messages to Facebook Scribe from a PHP application.
Installing Facebook Scribe on Fedora 82010-09-18
A tutorial containing detailed instructions on setting up the Facebook Scribe logging server on Fedora 8. The steps included are also applicable for other Linux systems.
jQuery creator John Resig is interviewed on IT Conversations2010-09-08
jQuery creator John Resig is interviewed on IT Conversations
Some exciting new features coming in webOS 2.02010-09-08
Some exciting new features coming in webOS 2.0
MongoDB is Web Scale2010-09-07
MongoDB is Web Scale
Installing Dropbox on Fedora 82010-09-04
Installation instructions for the Dropbox PC client on Fedora 8.
Experimenting with Rails 3.0 on JRuby2010-09-02
Experimenting with Rails 3.0 on JRuby
Facebook 1.3 for webOS
jQuery Mobile2010-08-28
jQuery Mobile
PHP on Java via Quercus2010-08-28
PHP on Java via Quercus
Switching to Bing for my homepage2010-08-28
Switching to Bing for my homepage
Google Wave closing down2010-08-23
Google Wave closing down
Riak developers interviewed on FLOSS Weekly2010-08-09
Riak developers interviewed on FLOSS Weekly
Happy System Administrator Appreciation Day
Damn Vulnerable Linux2010-07-18
Damn Vulnerable Linux
Download - The True Story of the Internet
Using FFMPEG to generate video clips
Version 6.0 released2010-05-10
Version 6.0 released
I Am Not My Tshirt
Bulk resizing multiple images with GraphicsMagick2009-09-01
Tutorial on how to bulk resize multiple images in the same directory using the GraphicsMagick command line utility.
Kenpo books by Ed Parker available again
Slash John2009-08-24
Slash John
David Heinemeier Hansson interviewed on FLOSS Weekly
PHP 5.3.0 Released2009-07-01
PHP 5.3.0 Released
OWASP Ireland AppSec 2009 Conference2009-07-01
OWASP Ireland AppSec 2009 Conference
PENTAX K-7 Introduction
Sundry MySQL Scripts and Docs
Yoxos OnDemand, EclipseSource2009-05-06
Yoxos OnDemand - EclipseSource
Learning from StackOverflow Dot Com
Watching a project in Jira2009-04-23
Watching a project in Jira
LAMP stack usage at Facebook2009-04-12
LAMP stack usage at Facebook
Search as a service2009-04-10
Search as a service
and we just went bananas it was brilliant
The Makers of Things2009-03-26
The Makers of Things
Ed Parker doing Techniques2009-03-01
Ed Parker doing Techniques
Dream Office
A case study in not dealing with legacy software2009-02-18
A case study in not dealing effectively with legacy software, were staff have continued to use an application fit for purpose without the support of their organization.
The trials of supporting remote users2009-02-11
The trials of supporting remote users
FLOSS on jQuery2009-02-08
FLOSS on jQuery
What real life bad habits has programming given you
Trouble in Reykjavik2009-01-22
Trouble in Reykjavik
Eclipse PDT 2.0 is now available2009-01-21
Eclipse PDT 2.0 is now available
Raphael JS2009-01-19
Raphael JS
Not There Yet2009-01-13
Not There Yet
Burger King Flame
How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters2008-12-16
How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters
Validating Fedora downloads on Vista2008-12-01
Validating Fedora downloads on Vista
The Sun - The Big Picture
Results of the Phoenix Mission to Mars and Analog sites on Earth2008-10-07
Results of the Phoenix Mission to Mars and Analog sites on Earth
Drupal Drupal Drupal Drupal Dru-pal
Subversion 1.5.x and svn externals2008-09-29
Subversion 1.5.x and svn externals
Working in Space2008-09-21
Working in Space
Fallout 32008-09-08
Fallout 3
HP iPAQ 214 Enterprise
PHP 5.3 Alpha Released2008-08-23
PHP 5.3 Alpha Released
Rex Kwon Do
Tips for hiring new engineers
The Jimmy Cake2008-04-27
The Jimmy Cake
Red Snapper are back2008-04-27
Red Snapper are back
NASA Spacecraft Images Mars Moon in Colour and in 3D2008-04-10
NASA Spacecraft Images Mars Moon in Colour and in 3D
Super Mario in 14kB Javascript2008-04-10
Super Mario in 14kB Javascript
Bluebook ad for O2
An Insurgency of Quality
Mozilla Lightning
Sun acquires MySQL2008-01-16
Sun acquires MySQL
Computer History Museum2008-01-10
Computer History Museum
Experiments with the Wii Remote
Minn Heima I Gaer Sigur Ros2007-12-07
Minn Heima - I Gaer - Sigur Ros
Nokia N95 Review2007-12-06
Nokia N95 Review
Warzone 2100 Resurrection Project2007-11-21
Warzone 2100 Resurrection Project
On the Mat Short Form 32007-11-16
On the Mat - Short Form 3
Fedora 8 Released2007-11-09
Fedora 8 Released
Skype Mobile Phone on the way from 3 Ireland2007-11-06
Skype Mobile Phone on the way from 3 Ireland
Ultimate Bachelor Pad in Vancouver
The Other Side of Iapetus2007-10-09
The Other Side of Iapetus
Argentina turf Ireland out of cup2007-10-01
Argentina turf Ireland out of cup
Fake Larry Ellison
Eclipse PDT 1.02007-09-23
Eclipse PDT 1.0
BBC Documentary Archive2007-09-21
BBC Documentary Archive
11 Simple Rules from Dave Packard
Bizarre Star2007-08-17
Bizarre Star
New elements in HTML 52007-08-09
New elements in HTML 5
Comments Reenabled2007-08-07
Comments Re-enabled
Tesla Roadster
PHP 4 end of life announcement2007-07-13
PHP 4 end of life announcement
Guy catches .50 BMG ricochet to the head2007-07-04
Guy catches .50 BMG ricochet to the head
Life at Google
Managing Humans2007-06-27
Managing Humans
How to hire the best people you will ever work with2007-06-26
How to hire the best people you will ever work with
Rashers and Eggs2007-06-19
Rashers and Eggs
Japanese Human Tetris2007-06-14
Japanese Human Tetris
I am not a resource2007-06-12
I am not a resource
Tvashtar in Motion2007-06-11
Tvashtar in Motion
Fedora 7 is live2007-06-01
Fedora 7 is live
The Truth About Wireless Devices
Microsoft Surface2007-05-30
Microsoft Surface
LinkedIn Blog2007-05-29
LinkedIn Blog
The String Theory of How to Retain Geeks2007-05-25
The String Theory of How to Retain Geeks
The man who owns the Internet2007-05-23
The man who owns the Internet
d e f i n i t e l y2007-05-16
A Giant Takes On Physics Biggest Questions2007-05-16
A Giant Takes On Physics Biggest Questions
Updates to AlphaFramework Dot Org2007-05-10
Updates to AlphaFramework Dot Org
The Perfect Weapon2007-05-03
The Perfect Weapon
Beverageholder and Cigerate Lighter2007-05-02
Beverageholder and Cigerate Lighter
Python on Planes
Changes to the sections2007-04-26
Changes to the sections on this site
Test server upgrade causing delays2007-04-23
Test server upgrade causing delays
Staying safe on eBay2007-04-12
Staying safe on eBay
Saitek PZ08A Gamers Keyboard2007-04-10
Saitek PZ08A Gamers Keyboard
April Fool from Google2007-04-02
April Fool from Google
A life long career as a Software Developer2007-04-02
A Life-long Career as a Software Developer
Bug Blackout
Next release imminent2007-03-21
Next release imminent
Domain reselling still going strong2007-03-16
Domain re-selling still going strong
A first look at OpenID2007-03-14
A first look at OpenID
In flight servicing of orbital satelites2007-03-09
In flight servicing of orbital satelites
A Second Look at GIMP2007-03-08
A Second Look at GIMP
Spring theme reenabled2007-03-07
Spring theme re-enabled
SugarCRM comes to Dublin2007-03-05
SugarCRM comes to Dublin
Looking towards 5.22007-03-02
Looking towards 5.2
Do not adjust your monitors2007-03-01
Do not adjust your monitors
Dynamic Force frame Effect for Iframes republished
Eric S Raymond and Fedora2007-02-23
Eric S Raymond and Fedora
Ten Leading Open Source Innovators2007-02-23
Ten Leading Open Source Innovators
On getting a bus in Iceland2007-02-22
On getting a bus in Iceland
Learning from the mistakes of others2007-02-21
Learning from the mistakes of others
Interesting marketing podcast2007-02-19
Interesting marketing podcast
Fixed Registration Controller2007-02-12
Fixed Registration Controller
Handling Content Migration with 301 Redirects from a 404 Error Page2007-02-11
A tutorial describing how to use 301 re-directs from a 404 error page, to ease the transition of content migration from one location to another.
Hell for laptops2007-02-08
Hell for laptops
Fedora Core 6 Special Effects
Developing on Fedora Core 62007-01-30
Developing on Fedora Core 6
ASCII art generating PHP class2007-01-29
ASCII art generating PHP class
Upgrade to 5.1.22007-01-28
Upgrade to 5.1.2
For all your hosting needs2007-01-26
For all your hosting needs
Upgrade to 5.1.12007-01-25
Upgrade to 5.1.1
The Story About Ping2007-01-24
The Story About Ping
Get a First Life2007-01-21
Get a First Life
Keep It Simple Stupid2007-01-17
Keep It Simple Stupid
Advice on buying an ice axe2007-01-15
Advice on buying an ice axe
PutPlace Dot Com2007-01-10
PutPlace Dot Com
Succeeding in 20072007-01-10
Succeeding in 2007
Personal security via your mobile2007-01-06
Personal security via your mobile
Interviewing at Google2007-01-06
Interviewing at Google
Great tips on making the most of your LinkedIn profile2007-01-04
Great tips on making the most of your LinkedIn profile
Some display issues with latest release2007-01-04
Some display issues with latest release
Blue Origin2007-01-04
Blue Origin
Upgraded to version 5.1
The Shuttle the ISS and the Sun2006-12-30
The Shuttle the ISS and the Sun
CONMAN Dot Tv2006-12-18
Unraveling the Second Life hype2006-12-16
Unraveling the Second Life hype
A nice cheep LCD TV2006-12-16
A nice cheep LCD TV
LinkedIn hits 8 million members2006-12-08
LinkedIn hits 8 million members
Mobile Linux from GP2X2006-12-08
Mobile Linux from GP2X
Optimus Keyboard2006-12-08
Optimus Keyboard
Picco Z Mini Helicopter2006-12-08
Picco Z Mini Helicopter
Sorry about the 404s2006-12-05
Sorry about the 404s
Update in progress2006-12-04
Update in progress
An introduction to object oriented programming with PHP2006-12-04
A basic introduction to core object oriented concepts using PHP.
AlphaFramework Dot Org
New content and upgrade
Why its good to write your own framework2006-06-16
There are many top-quality web frameworks available for PHP, but sometimes you might consider writing your own framework. This article looks at the reasons why you might want to.
Statistics on web browser usage2006-06-15
Statistics on web browser usage
Book Reviews2006-06-07
A page containing books reviews of some of my favourite reference books.
Re-launch at the end of this month
Getting back on track
Delays delays2006-03-07
Delays delays
Progress to date on updating this site to V.5
Another month and another missed deadline2006-01-03
Another month and another missed deadline
Note on emails2006-01-03
Note on e-mails
Server migration issues
On the verge of something
Google Ads2005-11-11
Google Ads
Updates on hold2005-11-01
Updates on hold
MySQL 5 RC Candidate Released
An introduction to version control using Subversion2005-10-02
An introduction to the benefits of source control using the open source Subversion application.
SVG update
Update delayed
SVG support in Firefox2005-08-02
SVG support in Firefox
New project in the pipeline
Understanding the need for new computer technologies2005-07-31
In this opinion piece, an argument is presented in favour of embracing technology innovations in order to gain from any possible competitive advantages.
Upgrades in progress
Back in business2005-06-20
Back in business
Limited availability
MySQL 5 beta released2005-04-01
MySQL 5 beta released
Running late again
Feedback Form2005-03-14
Feedback Form
Note to Firefox users
Updates are on hold
PHP Security Consortium2005-01-31
PHP Security Consortium
An introductory guide to Intelligent Agents2005-01-28
In this article Intelligent Agents are introduced, as well as a discussion of the possible impacts on business organisations of their usage.
Referencing Articles2005-01-25
Referencing Articles
Tutorial describing how to implement an image cache on a web server for PHP GD applications.
Basic shapes in PHP GD2004-12-23
A tutorial on drawing basic shapes in the GD graphics library of PHP.
PHP for Eclipse2004-12-06
PHP for Eclipse
The top 20 IT mistakes2004-12-01
The top 20 IT mistakes
Running a little late
Subqueries in MySQL 4.12004-11-24
Subqueries in MySQL 4.1
MP3s from Bloc Party2004-11-23
MP3s from Bloc Party
Project deadlines looming2004-11-23
Project deadlines looming
PHP and Oracle closer integration2004-11-16
PHP and Oracle closer integration
MySQL 4.1 Released2004-11-15
MySQL 4.1 Released
Firefox 1 is released2004-11-10
Firefox 1 is released
Updated to 4.22004-11-08
Updated to 4.2
A word about date formats2004-11-08
A word about date formats
Work on new version begins
Defining the Knowledge based Economy2004-10-29
This article looks at knowledge in the wider economy, and how it is likely to affect firms and individuals alike.
Working with MySQL Connector ODBC and Office2004-10-01
This tutorial provides a description of how to access MySQL databases from MS Office.
Rebuilt test LAMP server2004-10-01
Rebuilt test LAMP server
A detailed tutorial on how to build a PHP 5 web server on Windows.
New test server ordered2004-09-02
New test server ordered
A sad day
An introduction to the PHP GD graphics library.
Alas IE2004-07-02
Alas IE
Guide to building custom shapes in SVG, composed of several primitive shapes.
Sun and Microsoft settle out of court2004-05-05
Sun Microsystems received a $1.6 billion cash handout from Microsoft, on condition that it drop all long standing legal actions against the company.
Lots of new content2004-05-05
Lots of new content
A tutorial on how to set up scheduled backups with Xcopy on Windows.
New version in the planning stages2004-03-26
New version in the planning stages
Sun Microsystems is set to enter the PC-based microprocessor market later this year, with the first of a series of offerings based on grid processing.
A basic introduction to animation techniques in the SVG format.
An overview of multi-dimensional databases and their usage.
Comparison of Relational and Multi Dimensional Database structures2003-11-27
An overview of multi-dimensional databases and their usage.
Multi Dimensional Databases: Conclusion2003-11-27
An overview of multi-dimensional databases and their usage.
Introduction to Multi Dimensional Databases2003-11-27
An overview of multi-dimensional databases and their usage.
Where not to use a Multi Dimensional Database2003-11-27
An overview of multi-dimensional databases and their usage.
Features of Multi Dimensional Database Systems2003-11-27
multi-dimensional, multi, dimensional, dimension, array, database, databases, relation, relational, features
An assessment of Multi Dimensional Databases and their usage2003-11-27
multi-dimensional, multi, dimensional, dimension, array, database, databases, relation, relational, features
The benefits of click wrap contracts over shrink wrap contracts2003-11-27
A discussion of the benefits of click-wrap contracts over shrink-wrap contracts.
A practical tutorial on how to set up a local test server.
Using client-side scripting to detect the Adobe SVG Viewer plug-in.
An introduction to Linux with Knoppix, a version of Linux that boots from a CD-ROM.
A discussion on Overture locating its European hub in Ireland.
A discussion on Google locating its European Operations Centre in Ireland.
Basic shapes in SVG2003-03-01
A basic introduction to using the SVG format to draw shapes.
Introduction to the Palladium Project, a new initiative from Microsoft on personal computer security.
How building a relationship with existing customers can help strenghen your e-commerce presence.
Liquid Design: matching your website to the inner resolution of the browser.
Making use of the PNG graphic format, in the latest browsers.
Introduction to web services, with an overview of the technologies involved.
Introduction to Mozilla 1.0, the new open-source web browser.
Dynamic Force frame Effect for Iframes2002-06-26
Forcing your iframe-based pages to stay framed using Javascript.
Explanation of the domain name universal database.
Layers Part 5 Animated Clipping Layers2002-05-04
Animated clipping layers using JavaScript and the DOM.
FMD - the future of data storage?
Overview of hacking culture and techniques.
Introduction to scalable web design techniques.
Guide to launching your own web site.
Introduction to clipping layers with CSS.
About the Tech Leader Pro web site.
Are the main search engines failing us?
Broadband rollout in Ireland, and the wider implications.
Guide to email encryption protocols.
Dynamic image resizing2001-08-13
Using JavaScript to resize images on the fly.
Optimising JPEG Images2001-08-11
Optimising JPEG images for the web.
Safe Browsing Part 2, Protecting Your Email2001-08-08
Stopping e-mail address harvester bots from stealing your e-mail address.
Layers Part 3 Animated Layer Opacity2001-08-08
Controlling a layers opacity using JavaScript.
Screen Resolution2001-08-06
Help on which resolution to design for.
Which browser to design for2001-08-05
Help on deciding what browser to design for.
Layers Part 2 Setting Layer Opacity2001-08-04
Controlling the opacity of a layer using visual filters.
Layers Part 1 Basic Implementation2001-08-03
Setting up a layer using CSS.
Anti-virus guidelines, with information on the main types.
Effective Communication With Your Clients2001-07-19
Guidelines on practices regarding client feedback.
Web Site Promotion2001-07-14
Introductory guide to methods used for promoting a web site.
The Basics of Web Technologies2001-07-13
Basic introduction to the different web technologies.
Introducing web site statistics2001-07-13
Explanation of the importance of good web site statistics.
Communicating With Your Web Designer2001-07-12
Guidelines for anyone thinking of hiring a web designer.
Introduction to the main graphic formats used on the web.