Social networks continue to erode privacy

Published on 2013-10-12 by John Collins. Socials: YouTube - X - Spotify - Amazon Music - Apple Podcast

I am so utterly bored of social networks, there are only so many privacy violations I can digest. Recent developments in social networks show how increasingly invasive they have become, while their users appear to become increasingly passive. Take this article from Engadget1 in relation to Google+:

A major update to the company's Terms of Service agreement today could have some users' profiles showing up in ads across the web. These "shared endorsements," as Google is calling them, leverage any reviews, comments, +1s, follows or stars a user may have given to a business or brand by effectively placing that user's name, photo and any relevant comment in a personalized advertisement.

Meanwhile, across the border in Facbook2:

"Who can look up your Timeline by name?" Anyone you haven’t blocked. Facebook is removing this privacy setting, notifying those who had hidden themselves that they’ll be searchable. It deleted the option from those who hadn’t used it in December, and is starting to push everyone to use privacy controls on each type of content they share. But there’s no one-click opt out of Facebook search.

I'm frankly amazed and dismayed at what many Internet users are willing to put up with.
