Dropping off Twitter

Published on 2014-11-05 by John Collins. Socials: YouTube - X - Spotify - Amazon Music - Apple Podcast

I have decided to close my Twitter account. The decision to do so has been building up for some time now, once I decided to stop posting original content there and instead simply re-post links to articles published on this website, effectively using Twitter as a re-blog.

"everyone is speaking but very few are listening"

The problem with that approach is that Twitter is a very poor re-blog: there are so many links posted in the feed of a typical Twitter user that my humble blog links simply get lost in the volume. The click-through rate for links posted to Twitter is abysmal: I have another Twitter account with over eight thousand followers, and on that account I only generate ten to twenty clicks per week.

I have come to the conclusion that Twitter is populated by users posting links to one another, but with very few clicking throughs. In essence everyone is speaking but very few are listening.