Installing the Opera web browser on Fedora

Published on 2013-05-20 by John Collins. Socials: YouTube - X - Spotify - Amazon Music - Apple Podcast


I use Firefox as my primary web browser, however I like to have at least one other browser installed as a secondary browser, which can be useful testing. Recently I found that I was having stability problems with Google Chrome on my Fedora 16 work station (in particular with Flash), so decided it would be a good time to take another look at Opera as a replacement.

Installing Opera

Unfortunately there is no yum repo available for Opera, so you will have to go to their website and download the correct .rpm file:

Download Opera

The "default package" option will give you the .rpm file, in my instance I got a file called opera-12.15-1748.x86_64.rpm. Now as root, cd to the location of that file and run:

root$ yum localinstall opera-12.15-1748.x86_64.rpm

Using the localinstall parameter will instruct yum to install any dependent packages automatically for this .rpm, which is a good practice when installing packages from local .rpm files.

Running Opera

As your normal user, you can then run Opera from the CLI by using:

john$ opera

Alternatively, you should now have a menu item in Gnome or KDE for starting the browser:

And here is is up and running:

Updated 2023 : note that the above post was originally published in 2013 and is outdated, but is left here for archival purposes.