Saitek PZ08A Gamers Keyboard

Published on 2007-04-10 by John Collins. Socials: YouTube - X - Spotify - Amazon Music - Apple Podcast

Recently I was having a lot of grief with my wireless keyboard, even on full batteries, so I decided to give up my my wireless input devices for now (I had previously given up on a wireless mouse due to poor responsiveness when the batteries were low). Temporarily I have been using an old (circa 1998) serial keyboard to tide me over, until the new keyboard I have on order from Komplett arrives:

"Saitek PZ08A Gamers Keyboard" -

Full review here:

"Saitek PC Gaming Keyboard Review" -

Apart from the funky looks, the things that appealed to me the most were:

  1. Its wired.
  2. It has a standard keyboard layout, including a large backspace key.
  3. Its back-lit.

The additional programmable punch pad looks like a bit of a gimmick, but I might give it a go for games if I can find room on my rather small desk.

Updated 2021 : note that the above post is out of date as it was originally published in 2007, but is left here for archival purposes. I have deactivated the dead links.