The benefits of travelling

Published on 2022-04-21 by John Collins. Socials: YouTube - X - Spotify - Amazon Music - Apple Podcast

When I travel, I want to take home a few new discoveries with me. Travelling is a great opportunity to learn something new, about language, culture, food, or philosophy.

The best part of travelling for me is coming home, but I do no want to do so empty handed.

I have been blessed to do a lot of travel for personal and business reasons. The amount of travel I done during Covid restrictions dropped to zero, but now that the World is opening up again, I am back in the air.

For each country I have visited, I love to learn a few words of the local language, and although I have no talent for natural languages, I am willing to try and not afraid to embarrass myself. I believe it is good manners to try, and in most cases people have appreciated it and have been patient with me.

I also love to discover new food and drinks! Food, drink, architecture, infrastructure, and of course art are all an expressions of a culture, and each culture has tremendous value to offer.

The World is amazing. Go see it, and you will realize that we have a lot more in common with each other than not.