This week, I want to talk about why it is so important for a leader to cut through the noise.
In an extremely noisy environment with lots of false signals, this is more important than ever.
The world is a confusing place, and it is your job to make sense of it, then guide your team along a safe path.
When someone says "it's really not that simple", I believe that is a failure of communication.
They have failed to take a topic right down to its first principals, its very foundation, to MAKE it simple.
The onus is on the speaker to make it simple, not the audience.
A great leader can make anything seem simple and clear, because they are great communicators.
You cannot be a great leader without being a great communication.
You job as a leader is to provide a clear signal, not add to the noise.
It really is that simple. This is your mantra now.
Unnecessary complexity is obfuscation. It is always a red flag.
By that, I mean I am suspicious of anyone who deliberately takes a topic and tries to make it sound more complicated than it actually is.
They have an agenda, they are trying to hide the facts, or they are trying to confuse and misdirect people via obfuscation, otherwise known as "smoke and mirrors".
If you want to be a successful leader: present the facts, present them clearly, and drive conversations towards simple explanations.
If you present confused complexity, you will lose credibility: why should anyone listen to you, when you don't know either?
Complexity is the enemy of clear communication.
It really is that simple.
What I am working on this week:
Cleaning up the summaries in search results on to remove code.
Media I am enjoying this week:
Back playing Cyberpunk 2077 - this game is beautiful!
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