Climbing down a ladder

Published on 2023-12-09 by John Collins. Socials: YouTube - X - Spotify - Amazon Music - Apple Podcast

When the costs of admitting wrong doing are too high, people will double-down on their current choices. The reasons for this can be complex, but usually ego is a factor combined with a fear of reputational harm.

They are already badly exposed.

In order to help them change their mind while saving face, try to give them a ladder to climb down: namely a way to climb down safely from their position. In taking this approach, they will be more likely to change their mind, rather than doubling-down on bad ideas.

"They are more likely to feel empowered to make a decision, rather than being attacked for making a mistake."

An example of this would be the following: rather than ridiculing someone for a bad choice, respectfully offer a list of alternatives that they can chose from. They are more likely to feel empowered to make a decision, rather than being attacked for making a mistake.

Sometimes however someone is so far down a decision path, they have too much invested to change their mind. That can be a truly tragic situation, all you can do is ensure you are not part of the collateral damage, and let them fail.